When I picked you up from school, you asked me how much money you could make by doing some extra chores.
I wasn't even sure you knew what "money" even was yet, so I was surprised by your question. I asked you why you needed extra money.
You said, "Well, at school whichever class can collect the most money gets all the money in the whole school to buy books for their classroom at the book fair, and I want our class to win."
I told you that we could go to the book fair together and pick out some books for you. You told me in your cute little argumentative style that you always use... "Well..... we could do that, but I already have enough books of my own. It would be better for other kids who don't have books to get some and my teacher needs books to help the kids in the room read better."
If this wasn't sweet enough, this is right in the middle of a time in which you don't seem to be adjusting well to kindergarten. You don't seem to be liking school all that much, and you tell me your teacher is way too bossy. So I was surprised you seem to want to please her. If only others knew how big your heart was, like I do!
But, even though you struggle emotionally, somehow your little 5 year old heart cares enough to make sure that everyone in your class has enough books to read. And that's why I love you.... and that's why we will make sure your class is going to win that coin challenge.
I love you,