Thursday, November 27, 2014

Topsy, the Magic Elf

Dear Zachary,

Today we celebrated a quiet Thanksgiving together. A few days ago, I reminded you that "Topsy" the magic Elf on the Shelf would come to visit us on Thanksgiving night.

I wasn't sure if you would remember Topsy from last year, but you certainly did. You were excited all day for Topsy to come and visit, and asked me many times when he would arrive.

We played with your new "marble run" toy you got as a gift from our adoption reception. We played almost all afternoon. And, without a nap today, you got sleepy, early. You told me today that you wanted to do something nice for Topsy, and decided that you would find some toys for him that you didn't want anymore so that he would have something to play with.

As you sorted through your toys, I could tell there were a few things that you just couldn't part with, even for Topsy. But finally, you settled on some stacking cups that you've had for awhile and a little toy car.

"Do you think he will like these, dad?", you asked me with concern. I told you I thought they were perfect. And you smiled.

It was soon after that the door bell rang, and you came running up the stairs with excitement, knowing that Topsy had arrived. You were so excited to see him, and after we read the book, you rushed downstairs to get him the toys for your collection that you set aside especially for him.

You put the toys next to Topsy and smiled, then you said, 'I got these toys for you to play with while you're here."

You're quite attached to all your toys, but you were willing to share them with a magic Christmas Elf. It's another reason why you're my son, and my hero.


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